Anit Mukherjee
Co-author, (with Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Nishant Rajeev), "The New Indian Military" in Momentous Changes: Defence Reforms, Military Transformation, and India's New Strategic Posture, July 2023
“Cleaning the Augean Stables: Defence Reforms in India,” Seminar No. 658, June 2014.
“A Name upon a Grave,” The Caravan, February 2014, pp. 22-24.
“The Absent Dialogue,” Seminar No. 599, July 2009.
Policy Papers
Co-editor (with Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Nishant Rajeev) of Joint ORF-RSIS Paper, "Momentous Changes: Defence Reforms, Military Transformation, and India's New Strategic Posture", July 2023
Policy Brief, “India’s Defence Transformation,” IISS Strategic Comments, 28:2, October 2022
Co-author (with Walter Ladwig), "The United States, India, and the Future of the Indo-Pacific Strategy," NBR Commentary, June 20, 2019.
“Indian Ocean Region Strategic Outlook” in Sam Bateman, Rajni Gamage and Jane Chan (eds.), Asean and the Indian Ocean: The Key Maritime Links, RSIS Monograph No. 33, July 2017, pp. 21-26.
“In Need of a Crisis? India’s Higher Defence Organisation at 75,” in Defence Primer: India at 75, edited by Sushant Singh & Pushan Das, Observer Research Foundation, 2016.
"At the Crossroads: India and the Future of UN Peacekeeping in Africa" in India and Africa: Forging a Strategic Partnership, edited by Subir Gokarn, WPS Sidhu, and Shruti Godbole, 38-40. New Delhi: Brookings India, 2015.
“India as a Net Security Provider: Concept and Impediments,” RSIS Policy Brief, August 2014.
“India’s Strategic Engagement in the Asia Pacific: The Role of the ADMM-Plus” in Sarah Teo and Mushahid Ali (eds.), Strategic Engagement in the Asia Pacific: The Future of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus), RSIS Policy Report, August 2013.
“The Transformation in US-India Defense relationship,” Defense Dossier, May 2013.
Project Coordinator, “Net Security Provider: India’s Out of Area Contingency Operations,” IDSA Task Force Report, November 2012.
Co-author, “British and Indian Perspectives on the Higher Management of Defence: Shared Experiences and Key Enablers of Reforms,” RUSI Occasional Paper, July 2012.
Editor, Call for Change: Higher Defence Organization in India, IDSA Monograph Series No. 6, July 2012.
Co-author (with General V.P. Malik), “Jawaharlal Nehru and the Chief of Defence Staff,” IDSA Issue Brief, July 2011.
Co-wrote a National Security Outlook series for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), titled “Counterinsurgency in Pakistan: Learning from India,” September 2007.